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Leading serviced apartment booking agency selects eRevMax to increase online revenue

  • London, 5 September 2013 to use RateTiger Corp for optimizing rate strategy

UK based agency Citybase Apartments, an online sales channel catering to serviced apartments, has selected eRevMax to enforce rate parity and best rate guarantee for all connected properties, and thereby increase online revenue for their entire portfolio. will use RateTiger Corp, an award winning business intelligence tool, for monitoring suppliers’ rates across competitor sales channels to analyse its market position and identify any discrepancies.

RateTiger Corp will help Citybase Apartments to access real-time rate behaviour for each room-type of its 200 contracted apartments from a vast network of online travel distribution sites and hotel websites. They can also automatically capture and analyse rate parameter data to provide an apple-to-apple comparison. In addition, they will monitor competitor rates, and assess hotel ranking reports to improve brand position on all connected meta-search engines.

“As an online booking agent specifically tailored towards serviced apartments it’s imperative that our customers can trust that we are offering them the best rates possible. Citybase Apartments has incorporated the RateTiger Corp tool into our current monitoring activity to give us confidence that the rates we sell are the best on the market for our customers and to help improve our partnership with apartment providers."

said Louise Rogerson,

Supplier Relations Team Manager, Citybase Apartments

“Corp, RateTiger’s intuitive price intelligence tool will help to achieve greater control over rates and agreements within the serviced apartments marketplace and flag discrepancies and noncompliance automatically. Citybase Apartments can access market intelligence through online reports, scheduled reports and ranking reports which shows each supplier’s rates across travel sites."

said Casey Davy,

VP Sales - EMEA, eRevMax

RTCorp offers complete rate transparencies to travel intermediaries like Online Travel Agents, Corporate Travel Planners, Event Managers and Travel Management Companies, to stay ahead in market dynamics. Any rate anomaly is automatically notified to the property through an e-mail alert, thereby eliminating the need for manual intervention. Data can be extracted from thousands of travel websites and hotel sites including the Global Distribution Systems (GDS).

About eRevMax:

eRevMax provides next generation online distribution & business intelligence solutions to the hospitality industry. The company’s new offering – LIVE, a responsive web platform, incorporates the RateTiger and Connect products, thus offering detailed competitor intelligence, comprehensive business performance analytics and reliable channel management capability through secure XML connections. Incorporated in 2001, eRevMax helps over 20,000 hoteliers worldwide to increase revenue, streamline business processes and reduce booking acquisition cost.

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