The Week, That Was – November 2018 Week 2

In five minutes or less, keep track of the most important news of the week, curated just for you. We present to you hand – picked news on latest industry perspectives and some general updates. Read on!!


eRevMax completes integration with South American PMS provider Arion Hospitality Solutions

eRevMax has completed integration with  Arion Hospitality Solutions, a leading Property Management System provider in South America. The strategic partnership between the two leading hospitality software specialists will allow hotels to manage their revenue and online distribution with only one application.

Indians are the top spenders when it comes to travelling abroad.

India is now the fastest growing outbound travel market in the world, second only to China. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) estimates that India will account for over 50 million outbound tourists by 2022, making India a USD 45 billion outbound spend market.

Google launching voice bookings for hotels

Google will launch hotel booking capability on its voice-activated Google Assistant product later this month, a move in line with Google’s slow but steady encroachment on OTA territory.

TrustYou’s insights reveal how hotel review topics vary according to region

TrustYou, the world’s largest guest feedback platform, released a comprehensive analysis of regional and global hotel review topics. Through its continuous effort in studying and leveraging guest feedback, TrustYou created this report of the different impact scores that affect the performance and reputation of global hotels, as well as in the following markets: EMEA, German-speaking countries (DE/AT/CH), US, APAC, Japan.

Travel and Holidays – What Does the Future Hold in Store?

Every day, new marketing techniques and tools are launched almost every week – which increases the complexity of the marketing sector. Experts have different ideas and opinions about how holidays will be like two or three decades from now. The possibilities are limitless.

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