E-marketing & Revenue Management Conference, Prague

The two day E-marketing & Revenue Management Conference held in Prague in October 2012 turned out to be a great platform to promote online distribution channels and instruments of hospitality industry with reference to the latest trends in e-marketing and software for revenue management.

With a participation of over 100 representatives and professionals from all over Europe, the conference witnessed interesting arguments seeking to improve sales processes through e-commerce and to increase the visibility of businesses through the use of social media.

eRevMax was represented by Casey Davy, VP Sales EMEA and Aldona Kaczmarczyk, Sales Manager Eastern Europe. They shared a presentation on ‘The changing world of channel management’ which was taken very well by the attendees.  The audience comprised of Hotel Managers and Revenue Managers from Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Casey and Aldona stressed on the fact that in today’s world of multi-channel marketing and distribution, hotels have various new revenue-building opportunities. But they must ensure that all channels are managed according to a planned strategy. Leveraging correct technology tools for the various aspects of communicating with customers is extremely important to keep rooms full and maximise revenues.

Overall the event concluded on a positive note and there was constructive exchange of ideas and experiences. Congratulations to the organizers for the great show!

Domenico Defina is Sales & Marketing Intern at eRevMax and is based out of London. He can be reached at domenicod@erevmax.com

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